Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dr. Rosenberg Uses the Biolase Waterlase to Correct Thick Overgrown Gums

Dentist In Nyc - Dr. Rosenberg Uses the Biolase Waterlase to Correct Thick Overgrown Gums.
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Dentist In Nyc ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Dentist In Nyc . You look at this article for information about an individual wish to know is Dentist In Nyc .

How is Dr. Rosenberg Uses the Biolase Waterlase to Correct Thick Overgrown Gums

Dr. Rosenberg Uses the Biolase Waterlase to Correct Thick Overgrown Gums Tube. Duration : 2.88 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Dentist In Nyc . The patient had a "Gummy Smile" with thick gingiva (gums) on her upper anterior teeth. The tissue was red, swollen and bled easily due to food packing in the pocket between the gum and tooth. The difference between the height of the gums on the upper right central and lateral incisors and the right canine compared to the left. Normally as teeth erupt the gum recedes to follow just above junction of the enamel and cementum on the roots of teeth. This did not happen in this patient and so a pocket formed between the gum and tooth. The laser was used without anesthesia to sculp the gingiva to match the upper left side. The red, thick tissue triangles between the teeth (known as the papillae) was thinned to improve the contour and help the patient do a better job with brushing and flossing.Simon W. Rosenberg, DMD (for over 30 years) can rebuild a tooth or your entire smile using the CEREC. Restorations can usually be done with NO SHOT, NO PAIN, NO KIDDING (No Shot, No Pain, No Kidding is a trademark of Biolase), using the Biolase Waterlase MD Dental Laser. Using CEREC one-visit veneers, crowns or onlays your teeth can be restored with precision and the most tooth like appearance and material properties. For more info: or call 917-720-5689
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